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use super::*;
use smallmap::Map;
pub struct Bytes;
const KB: u64 = 1024;
lazy_static! {
static ref SUFFIX: Map<char, u64> = smallmap::smallmap! {
{'k' => KB},
{'m' => KB * KB},
{'g' => KB * KB * KB},
{'p' => KB * KB * KB * KB},
impl Conversion for Bytes
const UNIT: &'static str = "bytes";
type Output = u64;
fn convert(&self, input: &str) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error>
#[macro_export] macro_rules! parse {
($non:expr) => (($non).parse::<u64>().map_err(|e| ConversionError(format!("Failed to parse u64: {}", e)))?)
match input.char_indices().last().map(|(idx, chr)| (chr.to_lowercase().next().unwrap(), &input[..idx])) {
Some((chr, _)) if chr.is_numeric() => Ok(parse!(input)),
Some((ref chr, non)) if SUFFIX.contains_key(chr) => Ok(*SUFFIX.get(chr).unwrap() * parse!(non)),
Some((chr, _)) => Err(ConversionError(format!("Unknown suffix {}", chr))),
None => Ok(0),