use crate ::mnemonic ::MnemonicSaltKind ;
/// Default anonymous name
pub const ANON_NAME : & ' static str = "名無し" ;
/// Max length of `name` and `email` feilds in posts.
pub const POST_ID_MAX_LEN : usize = 32 ;
/// The salt to use for tripcode hashes
pub const TRIPCODE_SALT : khash ::salt ::Salt = khash ::salt ::Salt ::internal ( ) ;
/// The tripcode algorithm to use
pub const TRIPCODE_ALGO : khash ::ctx ::Algorithm = khash ::ctx ::Algorithm ::Sha256Truncated ;
/// What timezone to represent data in.
pub type Timezone = chrono ::offset ::Utc ;
/// Default post expiry duration (120 days)
/// # Notes
/// This is specified as a std `Duration`, the chrono `Duration` calculated from the post's offset must be converted into this type to be used for anything.
/// This conversion can fail.
/// If it does fail, then the post should just be treated as expired.
pub const POST_EXPIRE : tokio ::time ::Duration = tokio ::time ::Duration ::from_secs (
60 // Minute
* 60 // Hour
* 24 // Day
* 120
) ;
/// Max size of encrypted body
pub const POST_BODY_MAX_SIZE : usize = ( 1024 * 1024 ) * 20 ; // 20MB
/// What encoded PEM formats are recognised
pub const RECOGNISABLE_PEM_ENCODES : & ' static [ & ' static str ] = & [
] ;
/// Size of the menmonic salt
pub const MNEMONIC_SALT_SIZE : usize = 16 ;
/// Mnemonic salt to use
pub const MNEMONIC_SALT : MnemonicSaltKind = MnemonicSaltKind ::Random ;
/// Max state image read size
/// Set to `0` for unlimited.
pub const MAX_IMAGE_READ_SIZE : usize = ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) * 3 ; // 3GB