@ -443,6 +443,31 @@ pub mod formats
pub type Base64FormattedStr = FormattedStr<Base64Format>;
pub type Base64FormattedString = FormattedString<Base64Format>;
impl Base64FormattedString
/// Encode some data as base64
pub fn encode(data: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Self
unsafe { Self::new_unchecked(base64::encode(data)) }
impl Base64FormattedStr
/// Decode this base64 string to a byte slice, returning the length of the written bytes.
/// # Panics
/// If the slice is not large enough
pub fn decode_slice(&self, mut to: impl AsMut<[u8]>) -> usize
base64::decode_config_slice(self.as_str(), base64::STANDARD, to.as_mut()).unwrap()
/// Decode this base64 string to a `Vec<u8>`
pub fn decode(&self) -> Vec<u8>
pub type PEMFormattedStr = FormattedStr<PEMFormat>;
pub type PEMFormattedString = FormattedString<PEMFormat>;