@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use tokio::prelude::*;
struct FreezeInner
users : HashSet < User > ,
posts : HashSet < Post > ,
posts : HashSet < ( UserID , Post ) > ,
const FREEZE_CHK : & [ u8 ; 4 ] = b" REI \0 " ;
@ -32,6 +32,20 @@ struct FreezeMetadata
impl FreezeMetadata
#[ inline ] pub fn len ( & self ) -> usize
self . body_size . try_into ( ) . expect ( "Length exceeded limit of `usize`" )
#[ inline ] fn new ( from : & [ u8 ] ) -> Self
Self {
chk : * FREEZE_CHK ,
version : defaults ::VERSION ,
body_size : from . len ( ) . try_into ( ) . unwrap ( ) , //this should never fail, right?
compressed : false ,
body_hash : sha256 ::compute_slice ( from ) ,
/// Write this metadata to an async stream, return the number of bytes written.
pub async fn write_to ( & self , mut to : impl tokio ::io ::AsyncWrite + Unpin ) -> io ::Result < usize >
@ -153,185 +167,182 @@ pub struct Freeze
impl Freeze
/// Generate the output to write
fn gen_output ( & self ) -> ( FreezeMetadata , Box < u8 > )
/// Generate the output to write.
/// This might take a while, and is done synchronously. Recommended to run on blocking task.
fn gen_output ( & self ) -> serde_cbor ::Result < ( FreezeMetadata , Vec < u8 > ) >
todo! ( )
let body = serde_cbor ::to_vec ( & self . inner ) ? ;
Ok ( ( FreezeMetadata ::new ( & body [ .. ] ) , body ) )
/// Reading and writing state
//TODO: Compression
impl Freeze
/// Serialise this instance into an output synchronously
pub fn write_sync ( & self , output : impl io ::Write ) -> eyre ::Result < ( ) >
serde_cbor ::to_writer ( output , self )
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to write (sync) to output" ) )
/// Read `Freeze` from an input stream
pub async fn read_async ( mut input : impl tokio ::io ::AsyncRead + Unpin ) -> eyre ::Result < Self >
let inner : FreezeInner = {
let unchecked_meta = FreezeMetadata ::read_from ( & mut input )
. await
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to read metadata from stream" ) ) ? ;
let mut body : Vec < u8 > = vec! [ 0 ; unchecked_meta . len ( ) ] ;
input . read_exact ( & mut body [ .. ] ) . await
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to read body from stream" ) )
. with_section ( | | format! ( "{:?}" , unchecked_meta ) . header ( "Metadata was" ) ) ? ;
tokio ::task ::spawn_blocking ( move | | {
if unchecked_meta . verify_hash_blocking ( & body ) {
Err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to verify metadata hash" ) )
} else {
serde_cbor ::from_slice ( & body )
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to deserialise body" ) )
} ) . await
. wrap_err ( "Background task panic" ) ?
. with_section ( | | format! ( "{:?}" , unchecked_meta ) . header ( "Metadata was" ) ) ?
} ;
Ok ( Self {
inner ,
} )
/// Serialise this instance into an output asynchronously
/// Write `Freeze` into this output stream on the current task.
/// # Notes
/// This function serialises to a heap buffer first
/// This function runs the serialisation and hashing on a the current task, which is synchronous. Recommended to use `into_write_async` instead.
pub async fn write_async ( & self , mut output : impl tokio ::io ::AsyncWrite + Unpin ) -> eyre ::Result < ( ) >
let buf = serde_cbor ::to_vec ( self )
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to serialise to buffer" ) ) ? ;
output . write_all ( & buf [ .. ] ) . await
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to write buffer to output stream" ) ) ? ;
let ( meta , body ) = self . gen_output ( )
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to generate write body" ) ) ? ;
meta . write_to ( & mut output ) . await
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to write metadata to output stream" ) )
. with_section ( | | format! ( "{:?}" , meta ) . header ( "Metadata was" ) ) ? ;
output . write_all ( & body [ .. ] ) . await
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to write whole body to output stream" ) ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Deserialise an instance from an input synchronously
pub fn read_sync ( input : impl io ::Read ) -> eyre ::Result < Self >
/// Consume this `Freeze` into this output stream.
/// This function runs the serialisation and hashing on a background blocking task instead of on the current one.
pub async fn into_write_async ( self , mut output : impl tokio ::io ::AsyncWrite + Unpin ) -> eyre ::Result < ( ) >
serde_cbor ::from_reader ( input )
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to read (sync) from input" ) )
let ( meta , body ) = tokio ::task ::spawn_blocking ( move | | self . gen_output ( ) )
. await
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Background task panic" ) ) ?
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to generate write body" ) ) ? ;
meta . write_to ( & mut output ) . await
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to write metadata to output stream" ) )
. with_section ( | | format! ( "{:?}" , meta ) . header ( "Metadata was" ) ) ? ;
output . write_all ( & body [ .. ] ) . await
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to write whole body to output stream" ) ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Deserialise an instance from an input asynchronously
impl State
/// Create an image from the state.
/// # Notes
/// This function reads the entire input stream into a heap allocated buffer first
/// # Locks
/// This method holds the read lock of Oneesan, it also holds the read lock of all posts and users.
/// This will prevent any writes while the `Freeze` is being created, and will also yield the current task until all write operations on `State` are completed.
/// # Panics
/// If the buffer size exceeds `defaults::MAX_IMAGE_READ_SIZE` .
pub async fn read_async( mut input : impl tokio ::io ::AsyncRead + Unpin ) -> eyre ::Result < Self >
/// If the internal state is incorrect .
pub async fn freeze( & self ) -> Freeze
let whole = {
let mut whole = Vec ::new ( ) ;
let mut buffer = [ 0 u8 ; 4096 ] ;
let mut read ;
let mut done = 0 ;
while { read = input . read ( & mut buffer [ .. ] ) . await . wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to read from input" ) ) ? ; read > 0 }
whole . extend_from_slice ( & buffer [ .. read ] ) ;
done + = read ;
if defaults ::MAX_IMAGE_READ_SIZE > 0 { //constant fn should
if done > defaults ::MAX_IMAGE_READ_SIZE {
Err ::< ! , _ > ( eyre ! ( "Image read exceeded max read size" ) )
. with_section ( | | done . to_string ( ) . header ( "Current size is" ) )
. with_note ( | | defaults ::MAX_IMAGE_READ_SIZE . to_string ( ) . header ( "Max size is" ) )
. expect ( "Image read fatal" ) ; //panic with this instance
let onee = self . 0. oneesan . read ( ) . await ;
use std ::ops ::Deref ;
// this might be kinda expensive. should we offload this?
let post_owner_reverse_lookup : HashMap < Index , UserID > = onee . posts_user_map . iter ( )
. map ( | ( & y , x ) | x . iter ( ) . map ( move | idx | ( * idx , y ) ) )
. flatten ( )
. collect ( ) ;
let ( posts , users ) = tokio ::join ! (
stream ::iter ( onee . posts . iter ( ) ) . then ( | ( post_idx , shared ) | {
let owner_id = * post_owner_reverse_lookup . get ( & post_idx ) . unwrap ( ) ;
async move { ( owner_id , Post ::clone ( shared . read ( ) . await . deref ( ) ) ) }
} ) . collect ( ) ,
stream ::iter ( onee . users . iter ( ) ) . then ( | ( _ , shared ) | async move { User ::clone ( shared . read ( ) . await . deref ( ) ) } ) . collect ( )
) ;
let inner = FreezeInner {
posts , users
} ;
serde_cbor ::from_slice ( & whole )
. wrap_err ( eyre ! ( "Failed to deserialise buffer" ) )
Freeze {
inner ,
impl Freeze
/// Create a `State` from this freeze
/// Create a working `State` from this image.
/// # Notes
/// This clones all post and user data, to perform this operation without cloning, use `into_state`.
/// This clones all posts and users in the image. Use `into_state` to move into a state.
pub fn unfreeze ( & self ) -> State
let users : HashMap < UserID , RwLock < User > > = self . users
. iter ( )
. map ( | x | ( * x . id ( ) , RwLock ::new ( x . clone ( ) ) ) ) . collect ( ) ;
let mut posts : HashMap < UserID , MaybeVec < RwLock < Post > > > = HashMap ::with_capacity ( users . len ( ) ) ;
let mut users = Arena ::with_capacity ( self . inner . users . len ( ) ) ;
let mut posts = Arena ::with_capacity ( self . inner . posts . len ( ) ) ;
let mut posts_map = HashMap ::with_capacity ( self . inner . posts . len ( ) ) ;
let mut users_map = HashMap ::with_capacity ( self . inner . users . len ( ) ) ;
let mut posts_user_map = HashMap ::with_capacity ( self . inner . users . len ( ) ) ;
for ( owner_id , post ) in self . inner . posts . iter ( )
let idx = posts . insert ( Arc ::new ( RwLock ::new ( post . clone ( ) ) ) ) ;
posts_user_map . entry ( * owner_id ) . or_insert_with ( | | MaybeVec ::new ( ) ) . push ( idx ) ;
posts_map . insert ( * post . post_id ( ) , idx ) ;
for ( id , post ) in self . posts . iter ( )
for user in self . inner . user s. iter ( )
posts . entry ( * id ) . or_insert_with ( move | | MaybeVec ::new ( ) ) . push ( RwLock ::new ( post . clone ( ) ) ) ;
let idx = users . insert ( Arc ::new ( RwLock ::new ( user . clone ( ) ) ) ) ;
users_map . insert ( * user . id ( ) , idx ) ;
State ( Arc ::new ( Inner { posts : RwLock ::new ( Posts {
users ,
} ) } ) )
State ( Arc ::new ( Inner {
oneesan : RwLock ::new ( Oneesan {
users ,
posts ,
posts_map ,
users_map ,
} )
} ) )
/// Consume into a new `State`.
/// Con vert this imag e into a new `State`.
pub fn into_state ( self ) -> State
State ::from_freeze ( self )
/// Try to consume this `State` into a `Freeze`.
/// # Fails
/// See `State::try_into_freeze()`.
#[ inline ] pub fn try_from_state ( state : State ) -> Result < Self , State >
state . try_into_freeze ( )
impl State
/// Create a serialisable image from this state
pub async fn freeze ( & self ) -> Freeze
let posts = self . 0. posts . read ( ) . await ;
let users : HashSet < User > = {
stream ::iter ( posts . users . iter ( ) )
. then ( | ( _ , x ) | async move { x . read ( ) . await } )
. map ( | x | x . clone ( ) ) . collect ( ) . await
} ;
let posts : Vec < _ > = {
stream ::iter ( posts . posts . iter ( )
. map ( | ( x , y ) | y . into_iter ( ) . map ( move | z | ( x , z ) ) ) . flatten ( ) )
. then ( | x | async move { ( x . 0 , x . 1. read ( ) . await ) } )
. map ( | ( & id , post ) | ( id , post . clone ( ) ) ) . collect ( ) . await
} ;
let mut users = Arena ::with_capacity ( self . inner . users . len ( ) ) ;
let mut posts = Arena ::with_capacity ( self . inner . posts . len ( ) ) ;
let mut posts_map = HashMap ::with_capacity ( self . inner . posts . len ( ) ) ;
let mut users_map = HashMap ::with_capacity ( self . inner . users . len ( ) ) ;
let mut posts_user_map = HashMap ::with_capacity ( self . inner . users . len ( ) ) ;
Freeze { users , posts }
/// Try to consume into a `Freeze`.
/// # Result
/// This method fails if there are more than one shared reference to the state
pub fn try_into_freeze ( self ) -> Result < Freeze , Self >
match Arc ::try_unwrap ( self . 0 ) {
Ok ( freeze ) = > {
let posts = freeze . posts . into_inner ( ) ;
let users : HashSet < User > = {
posts . users . into_iter ( )
. map ( | ( _ , x ) | x . into_inner ( ) ) . collect ( )
} ;
let posts : Vec < _ > = {
posts . posts . into_iter ( )
. map ( | ( x , y ) | y . into_iter ( ) . map ( move | z | ( x , z . into_inner ( ) ) ) ) . flatten ( )
//.map(|x| (x.0, x.1.into_inner()) )
. map ( | ( id , post ) | ( id , post ) ) . collect ( )
} ;
Ok ( Freeze { users , posts } )
} ,
Err ( e ) = > Err ( Self ( e ) )
for ( owner_id , post ) in self . inner . posts . into_iter ( )
let post_id = * post . post_id ( ) ;
let idx = posts . insert ( Arc ::new ( RwLock ::new ( post ) ) ) ;
posts_user_map . entry ( owner_id ) . or_insert_with ( | | MaybeVec ::new ( ) ) . push ( idx ) ;
posts_map . insert ( post_id , idx ) ;
/// Create `State` from this image
pub fn from_freeze ( freeze : Freeze ) -> Self
let users : HashMap < UserID , RwLock < User > > = freeze . users
. into_iter ( )
. map ( | x | ( * x . id ( ) , RwLock ::new ( x ) ) ) . collect ( ) ;
let mut posts : HashMap < UserID , MaybeVec < RwLock < Post > > > = HashMap ::with_capacity ( users . len ( ) ) ;
for ( id , post ) in freeze . posts . into_iter ( )
for user in self . inner . users . into_iter ( )
posts . entry ( id ) . or_insert_with ( move | | MaybeVec ::new ( ) ) . push ( RwLock ::new ( post ) ) ;
let user_id = * user . id ( ) ;
let idx = users . insert ( Arc ::new ( RwLock ::new ( user ) ) ) ;
users_map . insert ( user_id , idx ) ;
Self ( Arc ::new ( Inner { posts : RwLock ::new ( Posts {
users ,
} ) } ) )
State ( Arc ::new ( Inner {
oneesan : RwLock ::new ( Oneesan {
users ,
posts ,
posts_map ,
users_map ,
} )
} ) )
@ -339,17 +350,6 @@ impl From<Freeze> for State
#[ inline ] fn from ( from : Freeze ) -> Self
Self ::from_freeze ( from )
impl TryFrom < State > for Freeze
type Error = State ;
#[ inline ] fn try_from ( from : State ) -> Result < Self , Self ::Error >
from . try_into_freeze ( )
from . into_state ( )
* /