Simple unit conversion

Updated 4 years ago

mmap() based file concatenation

Updated 4 years ago

Go-like deferring of function calls for Rust

Updated 4 years ago

Advanced parallel process dispatching

Updated 4 years ago

Advent of Code 2020

Updated 4 years ago

Advent of (shit)Code

Updated 4 years ago

I'm hoping to use this to apply for disability benefits

Updated 4 years ago

Compile-time `memfrob()` literal for C++20.

Updated 4 years ago

Reference counting for C

Updated 4 years ago

Ad-hoc stack vector types for Rust

Updated 4 years ago

Versioning delete

Updated 4 years ago

command line RSA and AES encryption tool

Updated 4 years ago

A non-owning HashSet type for Rust.

Updated 4 years ago

Coerce hardlinks into their own files

Updated 4 years ago

WIP breakout clone

Updated 4 years ago

advanced loli stealer shh shh don't tell manx

Updated 4 years ago

Mount secure temp filesystem

Updated 4 years ago

Cakes sent over wires

Updated 4 years ago