@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ pub use source::Source;
mod tests
use super::*;
use std::io::Cursor;
const INPUT: &'static str = "Hello world!Hello world!Hello world!Hello world!Hello world!Hello world!Hello world!Hello world!Hello world!Hello world!Hello world!Hello world!Hello world!";
@ -50,6 +51,20 @@ mod tests
/// Create a source from a slice of bytes with this key and IV.
fn create_source<'a, T: ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]> +'a>(source: &'a T, key: Key, iv: IV, enc: bool) -> Source<Cursor<&'a [u8]>>
eprintln!("({}) Key: {}, IV: {}, Input: ({}: {})", ["dec", "enc"][enc as usize], key, iv, source.as_ref().len(), source.as_ref().hex());
let stream = if enc {
Source::encrypt(Cursor::new(source.as_ref()), key, iv)
} else {
Source::decrypt(Cursor::new(source.as_ref()), key, iv)
fn enc()
@ -58,6 +73,50 @@ mod tests
eprintln!("Sink ends: {:?}", enc_stream(INPUT.as_bytes(), key, iv));
fn source_enc()
let (key, iv) = cha::keygen();
const INPUT: &'static [u8] = b"Hello world!";
println!("Input ({} bytes, hex): {}", INPUT.len(), INPUT.hex());
let mut source = create_source(INPUT, key, iv, true);
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(INPUT.len());
io::copy(&mut source, &mut output).expect("Failed to copy source to output");
println!("Output ({} bytes, hex): {}", output.len(), output.hex());
fn source_dec()
let (key, iv) = cha::keygen();
const INPUT: &'static [u8] = b"Hello world!";
println!("Input ({} bytes, hex): {}", INPUT.len(), INPUT.hex());
let mut source = create_source(INPUT, key, iv, true);
let mut temp = Vec::with_capacity(INPUT.len());
io::copy(&mut source, &mut temp).expect("Failed to copy source to output (encrypt)");
println!("Encrypted ({} bytes, hex): {}", temp.len(), temp.hex());
// decrypt
let mut source = create_source(&mut temp, key, iv, false);
let mut temp = Vec::with_capacity(INPUT.len());
io::copy(&mut source, &mut temp).expect("Failed to copy source to output (decrypt)");
println!("Decrypted ({} bytes, hex): {}", temp.len(), temp.hex());
assert_eq!(INPUT, &temp[..]);
fn dec()
@ -80,7 +139,7 @@ mod tests
/// Checks if explicit clear is actually clearing.
fn remainder()