Added `status-bar-string()`, `progress-bar-string()`: Create text status (polycharacter) / progress (duocharacter) bar strings.

Fixed hygine of `popor()` macro.

Fortune for cl-utils's current commit: Half curse − 半凶
Avril 2 years ago
parent 0e545a3a1c
commit de21818183
Signed by: flanchan
GPG Key ID: 284488987C31F630

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
(defmacro defexport (&rest val)
"Same as export*! for some reason"
`(export*! ,@val))
`(export*! ,@val)) ; TODO: Make this filter out non-defun/defparameter/defmacro statements from `val` before passing to `export*!`
(export 'defexport)
(defun file-get-contents (filename)
@ -140,10 +140,12 @@
(loop while (null (setf ret ,stmt)))
(defmacro popor (li or)
(defmacro popor (li or)
"If li is list, pop it, else return or"
`(if (atom ,li) ,or
(pop ,li)))
(let ((liname (gensym)))
`(let ((,liname ,li))
(if (atom ,liname) ,or
(pop ,liname)))))
(defun rand-in (l &key (random #'random) )
"Random member of, slide right if nil"
@ -646,7 +648,39 @@
(let ((out (make-paged-vector blocksize)))
(mapc #'(lambda (x) (paged-vector->push out x)) elements) out))
(defmacro paged-vector<- (vec) `(car ,vec))
(defmacro paged-vector<- (vec) `(car ,vec))
(defun status-bar-string (percs &optional (sz (length percs)) (max nil) (default #\-))
"Create a bar string of multiple characters at a ratio. The most simple variant of this uses 2 chars at a ratio to create a text-based progress bar. (see `progress-bar-string')
`percs': a list of (fract . char)
`sz': the length of the bar (default: length of `percs')
`max': the max for `fract' (default: sum of all `fract's in `percs')
`default': the char to print if we run above `max' while still under `sz' (default #\-) (note: `default' will never appear in the output string unless `max' is user-provided; otherwise `percs' will be stretched to always completely fill `sz')"
(let ((max (or max (apply #'+ (mapcar #'car percs)))))
(flet ((write-single (stream fract char cur)
(let ((sml (* (/ fract max) sz)))
(length (loop for i from cur to (- sz 1)
for j from 0 to (- sz 1)
while (< j sml)
collect i ; XXX: This is very inefficient, come on...
(write-char char stream))))))
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(let ((i 0))
(loop while (< i sz) do
(let ((this (pop percs)))
(incf i (if this
(destructuring-bind (fract . char) this
(funcall #'write-single stream fract char i))
(prog1 1 (write-char default stream)))))))))))
;(print (status-bar-string '((2 . #\: ) (8 . #\|) (3 . #\_) (1 . #\!)) 60))
(defun progress-bar-string (perc len &optional (char #\#) (default #\-))
"Create a progress bar string of `len' size containing `perc'% `char', with the rest `default'"
(status-bar-string `((,perc . ,char)) len 100 default))
;(print (progress-bar-string 10 60))
) ;; -- end export
