args: Added `parse_args()`: Attempt to parse the program args into `Options` struct. Added `ArgParseError`, error describing why parsing arguments failed. Added `EXEC_MODE_STRING_TERMINATOR` the terminator used when deciding when to stop parsing an arglist for `-exec/{}`. Added `program_name()`, returns the current executable"s name as a UTF8 string, if the executable"s name was not a UTF8 string, then it is lossily converted to one and invalid characters are replaced.
args::parse_from: Added warning messages as `cold, inline(never)` functions for apparent mis-uses or arguments or possible user mistakes when feature "logging" is enabled; they are no-op `cold, inline(always)` functions when feature "logging" is disabled. They are stored in a function-private module `warnings`.
Fortune for collect's current commit: Half blessing − 半吉
//TODO: When added, the `args` comptime feature will need to enable `lazy_static`.
/// The string used for positional argument replacements in `-exec{}`.
pubconstPOSITIONAL_ARG_STRING: &'staticstr="{}";
/// The token that terminates adding arguments for `-exec` / `-exec{}`.
/// # Usage
/// If the user wants multiple `-exec/{}` parameters, they must be seperated with this token. e.g. `sh$ collect -exec c a b c \; -exec{} c2 d {} e f {} g`
/// It is not required for the user to provide the terminator when the `-exec/{}` is the final argument passed, but they can if they wish. e.g. `sh$ collect -exec command a b c` is valid, and `sh$ collect -exec command a b c \;` is *also* valid.
/// * If the program's executable name is a valid UTF8 string, that string.
/// * If it is not, then that string is lossily-converted to a UTF8 string, with invalid characters replaced accordingly. This can be checked by checking if the return value is `Cow::Owned`, if it is, then this is not a reliable indication of the exetuable path's basename.
/// * If there is no program name provided, i.e. if `argc == 0`, then an empty string is returned.
if_trace!(warn!("-exec{{}} provided with no positional arguments ({}), there will be no replacement with the data. Did you mean `-exec`?",POSITIONAL_ARG_STRING));
/// Issue a warning if the user apparently meant to specify two `-exec/{}` arguments to `collect`, but seemingly is accidentally is passing the `-exec/{}` string as an argument to the first.
warn!("{} provided, but argument to command {command:?} number {argument_number} is {}. Are you missing the terminator before '{}' before this argument?",iffirst_is_positional{"-exec{{}}"}else{"-exec"},ifsecond_is_positional{"-exec{{}}"}else{"-exec"},EXEC_MODE_STRING_TERMINATOR)
//XXX: When `-exec{}` is provided, but no `{}` arguments are found, maybe issue a warning with `if_trace!(warning!())`? There are valid situations to do this in, but they are rare...
todo!("//TODO: Parse `args` into `Options`")
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
/// Returned when an invalid or unknown argument is found
/// Returned when the argument, `argument`, is passed in an invalid context by the user.