/// Take a directory path and try to parse the hugepage size from it.
/// Take a directory path and try to parse the hugepage size from it.
/// All subdirectories from `HUGEPAGE_SIZES_LOCATION` should be passed to this, and the correct system-valid hugepage size will be returned for that specific hugepage.
/// All subdirectories from `HUGEPAGE_SIZES_LOCATION` should be passed to this, and the correct system-valid hugepage size will be returned for that specific hugepage.
//TODO: Maybe make this `Result` instead? So we can know what part of the lookup is failing?
constKMAP_SIZES: &[usize]=&[1024,1024*1024,1024*1024*1024,0,0];// Having `b` and `B` (i.e. single bytes) be 0 means `sz` will be passed unmodified: the default multiplier is 1 and never 0. Making these two values 0 instead of 1 saves a single useless `* 1` call, but still allows for them to be looked up in `dir_bytes` when finding `k_loc` below.
/// Lookup the correct multiplier for `sz` to get the number of individual bytes from the IEC bytes-suffix `chr`.
/// Then, return the number of individual bytes of `sz` multiplied by the appropriate number dictated by the IEC suffix `chr` (if there is one.)
/// The lookup table is generated at compile-time from the constants `KMAP_TAGS` and `KMAP_SIZES`.
/// The indecies of `KMAP_TAGS` of `KMAP_SIZES` should should correspond the suffix to the multiplier.
/// If a suffix is not found, a default multipler of `1` is used (i.e. `sz` is returned un-multipled.)
/// # Examples
/// * Where `sz = 10`, and `chr = b'k'` -> `10 * 1024` -> `10240` bytes (10 kB)
/// * Where `sz = 100`, and `chr = b'B'` -> `100` -> `100` bytes (100 bytes)
// The rest of the string including the b'-' seperator. (i.e. '-(\d+)kB$')
//TODO: find the `k` (XXX: Is it always in kB? Or do we have to find the last non-digit byte instead?) For now, we can just memchr('k') I think -- look into kernel spec for this later.
// location of the IEC tag (in `KMAP_TAGS`, expected to be b'k') after the number of kilobytes
let(k_loc,k_chr)='lookup: loop{
// No suffixes in `KMAP_TAGS` found.
if_trace!(error!("No appropriate suffix ({}) found in {:?}",unsafe{std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(KMAP_TAGS)},split_bytes));
// The number of kilobytes in this hugepage as a base-10 string