@ -232,114 +232,3 @@ impl<S: AsyncWrite> AsyncWrite for WriteHalf<S>
self . project ( ) . backing_write . poll_write_buf ( cx , buf )
self . project ( ) . backing_write . poll_write_buf ( cx , buf )
//TODO: Rework everything past this point:
struct ReadWriteCombined < R , W >
/// Since chacha20stream has no AsyncRead counterpart, we have to do it ourselves.
cipher_read : Option < Crypter > ,
backing_read : R ,
backing_write : dual ::DualStream < W > ,
/// RSA/chacha20 encrypted stream
pub struct EncryptedStream < R , W >
where R : AsyncRead ,
W : AsyncWrite ,
meta : EncryptedStreamMeta ,
// Keep the streams on the heap to keep this type not hueg.
backing : Box < ReadWriteCombined < R , W > > ,
//TODO: How do we use this with a single AsyncStream instead of requiring 2? Will we need to make our own Arc wrapper?? Ugh,, for now let's ignore this I guess... Most read+write thingies have a Read/WriteHalf split mechanism.
// Note that this does actually work fine with things like tokio's `duplex()` (i think)
impl < R : AsyncRead , W : AsyncWrite > EncryptedStream < R , W >
/// Has this stream done its RSA key exchange?
pub fn has_exchanged ( & self ) -> bool
self . meta . them . is_some ( )
/// Split this stream into a read and writeable half.
pub fn split ( self ) -> ( WriteHalf < W > , ReadHalf < R > )
let meta = Arc ::new ( self . meta ) ;
let ( read , write ) = {
let ReadWriteCombined { cipher_read , backing_read , backing_write } = * self . backing ;
( ( cipher_read , backing_read ) , backing_write )
} ;
( WriteHalf {
meta : Arc ::clone ( & meta ) ,
backing_write : Box ::new ( write ) ,
} , ReadHalf {
meta ,
cipher : read . 0 ,
backing_read : Box ::new ( read . 1 ) ,
} )
/// Join a split `EncryptedStream` from halves.
/// # Panics
/// If the read and write half are not from the same split.
pub fn from_split ( ( write , read ) : ( WriteHalf < W > , ReadHalf < R > ) ) -> Self
if ! Arc ::ptr_eq ( & write . meta , & read . meta ) {
panic! ( "Read and Write halves are not from the same split" ) ;
todo! ( "Drop write's `meta`, consume read's `meta`. Move the streams into `ReadWriteCombined`" )
impl < S : AsyncWrite > AsyncWrite for WriteHalf < S >
#[ inline ] fn poll_write ( self : Pin < & mut Self > , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > , buf : & [ u8 ] ) -> Poll < Result < usize , io ::Error > > {
unsafe { self . map_unchecked_mut ( | this | this . backing_write . as_mut ( ) ) } . poll_write ( cx , buf )
#[ inline ] fn poll_flush ( self : Pin < & mut Self > , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> Poll < Result < ( ) , io ::Error > > {
unsafe { self . map_unchecked_mut ( | this | this . backing_write . as_mut ( ) ) } . poll_flush ( cx )
#[ inline ] fn poll_shutdown ( self : Pin < & mut Self > , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> Poll < Result < ( ) , io ::Error > > {
unsafe { self . map_unchecked_mut ( | this | this . backing_write . as_mut ( ) ) } . poll_shutdown ( cx )
impl < S : AsyncRead > AsyncRead for ReadHalf < S >
fn poll_read ( self : Pin < & mut Self > , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > , buf : & mut [ u8 ] ) -> Poll < io ::Result < usize > > {
let this = self . project ( ) ;
let cipher = this . cipher . as_mut ( ) ;
let stream = unsafe { this . backing_read . map_unchecked_mut ( | f | f . as_mut ( ) ) } ;
let res = stream . poll_read ( cx , buf ) ;
if let Some ( cipher ) = cipher {
// Decrypt the buffer if the read succeeded
res . map ( move | res | res . and_then ( move | sz | {
alloca_limit ( sz , move | obuf | -> io ::Result < usize > {
// This `sz` and old `sz` should always be the same.
let sz = cipher . update ( & buf [ .. sz ] , & mut obuf [ .. ] ) ? ;
let _f = cipher . finalize ( & mut obuf [ .. sz ] ) ? ;
debug_assert_eq! ( _f , 0 ) ;
// Copy decrypted buffer into output buffer
buf . copy_from_slice ( & obuf [ .. sz ] ) ;
Ok ( sz )
} )
} ) )
} else {
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