@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
//! Extensions and macros
//! Extensions and macros
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::ptr;
#[macro_export] macro_rules! basic_enum {
#[macro_export] macro_rules! basic_enum {
($(#[$meta:meta])* $vis:vis $name:ident $(; $tcomment:literal)?: $($var:ident $(=> $comment:literal)?),+ $(,)?) => {
($(#[$meta:meta])* $vis:vis $name:ident $(; $tcomment:literal)?: $($var:ident $(=> $comment:literal)?),+ $(,)?) => {
@ -138,16 +139,34 @@ where F: FnOnce(&mut [u8]) -> T
static BUFFER: RefCell<Vec<u8>> = RefCell::new(vec![0u8; STACK_SIZE_LIMIT*2]);
static BUFFER: RefCell<Vec<u8>> = RefCell::new(vec![0u8; STACK_SIZE_LIMIT*2]);
BUFFER.with(move |buf| {
BUFFER.with(move |buf| {
let mut buf = buf.borrow_mut();
// If the borrow fails then `f` has recursively called into this function, so for that we allocate a new buffer instead of reusing this static one.
if buf.len() < size {
if let Ok(mut buf) = buf.try_borrow_mut() {
buf.resize(size, 0);
if buf.len() < size {
buf.resize(size, 0);
let res = f(&mut buf[..size]);
bytes::blank(&mut buf[..size]);
} else {
f(&mut vec![0u8; size])
f(&mut buf[..size])
} else {
} else {
stackalloc::alloca_zeroed(size, f)
stackalloc::alloca_zeroed(size, f)
// TODO: Is this okay to do? I'm not sure it is.. We'll see
// I don't think this is okay to do.
//stackalloc::alloca(size, move |buf| f(unsafe { stackalloc::helpers::slice_assume_init_mut(buf) }))
//stackalloc::alloca(size, move |buf| f(unsafe { stackalloc::helpers::slice_assume_init_mut(buf) }))
pub mod bytes
use super::*;
/// `bzero` this slice
pub fn blank(slice: &mut [u8])
unsafe {
ptr::write_bytes(slice.as_mut_ptr(), 0, slice.len());