hugetlb: Implemented `HugePage::compute_huge()`, `scan_hugepages()`, and a public lazy static `SYSTEM_HUGEPAGES`.

Fortune for mapped-file's current commit: Future small blessing − 末小吉
Avril 2 years ago
parent 92fe0166de
commit 7e00ade351
Signed by: flanchan
GPG Key ID: 284488987C31F630

@ -8,4 +8,6 @@ edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
lazy_static = "1.4.0"
libc = "0.2.132"
memchr = "2.5.0"

@ -5,6 +5,28 @@ use std::{
fmt, error
macro_rules! opaque {
($obj:expr => $msg:literal $(, $args:expr)*) => {
struct Opaque<'a, T: ?Sized + ::std::fmt::Debug>(::std::fmt::FormatArgs<'a>, T);
impl<'a, T: ?Sized + ::std::fmt::Debug> ::std::fmt::Display for Opaque<T>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
use ::std::fmt::Write;
write!(f, "{}: {:?}", self.0, &self.1)
impl<'a, T: ?Sized + ::std::fmt::Debug> error::Error for Opaque<'a, T>{}
Opaque(::std::format_args!($msg, $(, $args)*), $obj)
pub(crate) use opaque;
/// Construct an ad-hoc error wrapping the last OS error.
macro_rules! os_error {
($fmt:literal $(, $args:expr)*) => {

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use libc::{
@ -26,12 +28,8 @@ impl Default for MapHugeFlag
//TODO: XXX: Check this implementation of `log2<usize>()`... It seems slightly wrong...
const fn log2(n: usize) -> usize
/*const fn num_bits<T>() -> usize {
mem::size_of::<T>() * (u8::BITS as usize)
usize::BITS as usize - n.leading_zeros() as usize - 1
@ -61,6 +59,43 @@ impl MapHugeFlag
Self((log2(kilobytes.get()) << (MAP_HUGE_SHIFT as usize)) as c_int)
/// Attempt to calculate `MAP_HUGE_*` flag from a size (in kB).
pub const fn try_calculate(kilobytes: usize) -> Option<Self>
match kilobytes {
0 => None,
kilobytes => {
if let Some(shift) = log2(kilobytes).checked_shl(MAP_HUGE_SHIFT as u32) {
if shift <= c_int::MAX as usize {
return Some(Self(shift as c_int));
/// Attempt to calculate `MAP_HUGE_*`, or use `HUGE_DEFAULT` on failure.
/// # Note
/// If `kilobytes` is `0`, or there is a calculation overflow, then `HUGE_DEFAULT` is returned.
pub const fn calculate_or_default(kilobytes: usize) -> Self
match Self::try_calculate(kilobytes) {
None => Self::HUGE_DEFAULT,
Some(x) => x,
/// Check if this is the smallest huge-page size the kernel supports.
pub const fn is_default(&self) -> bool
self.0 == Self::HUGE_DEFAULT.0
/// Get the `MAP_HUGE_*` mask.
pub const fn get_mask(self) -> c_int
@ -71,13 +106,13 @@ impl MapHugeFlag
impl From<MapHugeFlag> for c_int
fn from(from: MapHugeFlag) -> Self
#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum HugePage {
/// A staticly presented `MAP_HUGE_*` flag. See `MapHugeFlag` for details.
@ -86,6 +121,8 @@ pub enum HugePage {
/// # Safety
/// The kernel must actually support huge-pages of this size.
/// If `kilobytes` is 0, or an overflow in calculation happens, then this is identical to `Smallest`.
Dynamic{ kilobytes: usize },
/// The smallest huge-page size on the system
@ -94,7 +131,7 @@ pub enum HugePage {
/// Use a callback function to select the huge-page size (*in kB*) from an *ordered* (lowest to highest) enumeration of all available on the system.
//TODO: Remember to order the HUGEPAGE_LOCATION parsing results before passing them to this!
Selected(for<'r> fn (&'r [usize]) -> &'r usize),
Selected(for<'r> fn (&'r [usize]) -> Option<&'r usize>),
impl hash::Hash for HugePage {
@ -110,7 +147,6 @@ impl hash::Hash for HugePage {
impl fmt::Debug for HugePage
@ -138,7 +174,7 @@ impl PartialEq for HugePage
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool
match (self, other) {
match (self, other) {
(Self::Static(hpf), Self::Static(hpf2)) => hpf == hpf2,
(Self::Dynamic { kilobytes }, Self::Dynamic { kilobytes: kilobytes2 }) => kilobytes == kilobytes2,
(Self::Selected(func), Self::Selected(func2)) => ptr::eq(func, func2),
@ -149,11 +185,133 @@ impl PartialEq for HugePage
impl HugePage
pub fn compute_huge(&self) -> Option<MapHugeFlag>
/// Compute the `MapHugeFlag` from this huge-page specification.
/// # Returns
/// * `None` - If there was an error in computing the correct flag.
/// * `Some` - If the computation was successful.
/// # Panics
/// In debug builds, if scanning the system for huge-pages fails after `SYSTEM_HUGEPAGES` has already failed.
#[inline] // This call is recursive, but also can be large for variant `Selected`, which we have factored out into a non-inline local function. All other variants are small enough for this to be okay.
pub fn compute_huge(self) -> Option<MapHugeFlag>
todo!("TODO: copy `utf8encode`'s `compute_huge_flag()` -> pub fn compute_flag(&self) -> Option<MapHugeFlag>;")
use HugePage::*;
match self {
Dynamic { kilobytes: 0 } |
Smallest |
Static(MapHugeFlag::HUGE_DEFAULT) => Some(MapHugeFlag::HUGE_DEFAULT),
Static(mask) => Some(mask),
Dynamic { kilobytes } => {
MapHugeFlag::try_calculate(kilobytes) //XXX: Should we use `calculate_or_default()` here?
Largest => Self::Selected(|sizes| sizes.iter().max()).compute_huge(),
Selected(func) => {
// Factored out into a non-`inline` function since it's the only one doing actual work, and allows the parent function to be `inline` without bloating to much
fn compute_selected(func: for<'r> fn (&'r [usize]) -> Option<&'r usize>) -> Option<MapHugeFlag>
use std::borrow::Cow;
let mask = match SYSTEM_HUGEPAGE_SIZES.as_ref() {
Ok(avail) => Cow::Borrowed(&avail[..]),
Err(_) => {
// Attempt to re-scan the system. Fail if scan fails.
fn rescan() -> io::Result<Vec<usize>>
scan_hugepages().and_then(|x| x.into_iter().collect())
let v = rescan();
let mut v = if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
v.expect("Failed to compute available hugetlb sizes")
} else {
match func(mask.as_ref()) {
Some(mask) => Dynamic { kilobytes: *mask }.compute_huge(),
None => Some(MapHugeFlag::HUGE_DEFAULT),
//TODO: ^
//TODO: implement `memfd`'s hugetlb interface from `utf8encode` here.
lazy_static! {
/// A persistent invocation of `scan_hugepages()`.
pub(crate) static ref SYSTEM_HUGEPAGE_SIZES: io::Result<Vec<usize>> = {
let mut val: io::Result<Vec<usize>> = scan_hugepages().and_then(|x| x.into_iter().collect());
if let Ok(ref mut arr) = val.as_mut() {
/// A list of all availble huge-page flags if enumeration of them is possible.
/// This is created from a persistent invocation of `scan_hugepages()`.
pub static ref SYSTEM_HUGEPAGES: io::Result<Vec<MapHugeFlag>> =
.map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, format!("SYSTEM_HUGEPAGES failed with error {err}")))
.map(|vec| vec.iter().map(|&size| MapHugeFlag::calculate_or_default(size)).collect());
/// Scan the system for available huge-page sizes (in kB).
/// # Returns
/// If reading the directory `HUGEPAGE_LOCATION` fails, then the error is returned.
/// Otherwise, an iterator over each item in this location, parsed for its size, is returned.
/// If reading an entry fails, an error is returned.
/// If an entry is not parsed correctly, then it is skipped.
pub fn scan_hugepages() -> io::Result<impl IntoIterator<Item=io::Result<usize>> + Send + Sync + 'static>
let path = Path::new(HUGEPAGE_LOCATION);
let dir = fs::read_dir(path)?;
struct FilteredIterator(fs::ReadDir);
impl Iterator for FilteredIterator
type Item = io::Result<usize>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
loop {
break if let Some(next) = {
let path = match next {
Ok(next) => next.file_name(),
Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
let kbs = if let Some(dash) = memchr::memchr(b'-', path.as_bytes()) {
let name = &path.as_bytes()[(dash+1)..];
if let Some(k_loc) = memchr::memrchr(b'k', &name) {
} else {
} else {
let kb = if let Ok(kbs) = std::str::from_utf8(kbs) {
} else {
match kb {
None => continue,
valid =>
} else {

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
use libc::{
@ -38,7 +40,10 @@ mod flags;
pub use flags::*;
pub mod err;
use err::os_error;
use err::{
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
