Avril 3 years ago
parent 0ef7fd0e9d
commit f3fda38502
Signed by: flanchan
GPG Key ID: 284488987C31F630

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
name = "phantomdrop"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Go-like deferring of function calls"
keywords = ["defer", "drop", "go"]
version = "1.0.0"
authors = ["Avril <>"]
edition = "2018"
# See more keys and their definitions at
license = "GPL-3.0-or-later"

@ -1,9 +1,51 @@
//! Small library for `defer`ing the running of function until the end of a block.
//! # Uasge
//! Similar to the `defer` mechanism in Go, we can use this to defer the calling of functions
//! ```
//! fn do_something()
//! {
//! let _guard = phantomdrop::defer(|| println!("Hello!"));
//! // do some work
//! } // "Hello!" will now be printed when the function returns or unwinds (unless unwinds are disabled).
//! ```
//! The guard can also hold a value
//! ```
//! fn do_something(print: String)
//! {
//! # use phantomdrop::PhantomDrop;
//! let _guard = PhantomDrop::new(print, |string| println!("Dropped: {}", string));
//! // do some work
//! } // `print` will now be printed here.
//! ```
//! Or capture a value, by reference, mutable reference, or moving.
//! ```
//! fn do_something(print: String)
//! {
//! let _guard = phantomdrop::defer(move || println!("Dropped: {}", print)); // Moves `print` into itself.
//! // do some work
//! } // `print` will now be printed here.
//! fn do_something_by_reference(print: String)
//! {
//! let _guard = phantomdrop::defer(|| println!("Dropped: {}", print)); // Holds an immutable reference to `print`.
//! let trimmed = print.trim(); // Can still be used
//! } // `print` will now be printed here.
//! fn do_something_by_mutable_reference(print: &mut String)
//! {
//! let _guard = phantomdrop::defer(|| *print = String::from("Dropped")); // Holds a mutable reference to `print`.
//! } // `print` will now be set to "Dropped" here.
//! ```
use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use core::ops::Drop;
/// When dropped, the included function is ran with the argument held by the structure.
/// # Notes
/// If both the function and the value are zero-sized (unique non-capturing closures are ZSTs), this wrapper will also be zero-sized.
pub struct PhantomDrop<T, F: FnOnce(T)>(MaybeUninit<(T, F)>);
@ -25,6 +67,13 @@ where F: FnOnce(())
PhantomDrop::new((), fun)
/// Defer this function to run when the returned guard is dropped.
pub fn defer(fun: impl FnOnce()) -> PhantomDrop<(), impl FnOnce(())>
PhantomDrop::defer(move |_| fun())
impl<T, F> PhantomDrop<T,F>
where F: FnOnce(T)
@ -55,6 +104,15 @@ where F: FnOnce(T)
unsafe { self.into_raw_parts() }.0
/// Consume this instance without running the drop closure.
/// # Notes
/// This largely has the same behaviour of `core::mem::forget`, however this method is preferable for instances of `PhantomDrop`, as it properly calls destructors for both its value and its function if needed.
#[inline] pub fn forget(self)
unsafe { self.into_raw_parts() };
/// Get a mutable reference to the held type.
#[inline] pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
@ -76,14 +134,14 @@ where F: FnOnce(T)
impl<T: 'static> PhantomDrop<T, Box<dyn FnOnce(T)>>
/// Box the closure in this instance.
/// Box the closure in this instance on to the heap.
#[inline] pub fn boxed(self) -> PhantomDrop<T, Box<dyn FnOnce(T)>>
let (v, f) = unsafe { self.into_raw_parts() };
PhantomDrop::new(v, Box::new(f))
/// Replace the function to be ran on drop with a no-op in place.
/// Replace the function to be ran on drop with a no-op in place on the heap.
#[inline] pub fn neutralise_boxed(&mut self)
unsafe { self.value_mut().1 = Box::new(drop) };
@ -91,7 +149,7 @@ impl<T: 'static> PhantomDrop<T, Box<dyn FnOnce(T)>>
impl<T> PhantomDrop<T, fn (T)>
/// Replace the function to be ran on drop with a no-op in place.
/// Replace the function to be ran on drop with a no-op in place with no allocations.
#[inline] pub fn neutralise_in_place(&mut self)
unsafe { self.value_mut().1 = drop };
@ -108,3 +166,61 @@ where F: FnOnce(T)
mod tests
fn zero_sized()
let guard = super::defer(|| println!("Hello world!"));
assert_eq!(core::mem::size_of_val(&guard), 0);
fn mut_reference_holding()
let mut hi = String::from("Hello?");
let _guard = super::PhantomDrop::new(&mut hi, |string| {
*string = String::from("Hello!");
println!("{}", string);
fn reference_holding()
let hi = String::from("Hello!");
let _guard = super::PhantomDrop::new(&hi, |string| println!("{}", string));
fn value_holding()
let hi = String::from("Hello!");
let _guard = super::PhantomDrop::new(hi, |string| println!("{}", string));
fn value_capturing()
let hi = String::from("Hello!");
let _guard = super::defer(move || println!("{}", hi));
fn mut_reference_capturing()
let mut hi = String::from("Hello?");
let _guard = super::defer(|| {
hi = String::from("Hello!");
println!("{}", hi)
fn reference_capturing()
let hi = String::from("Hello!");
let _guard = super::defer(|| println!("{}", hi));
fn deferring()
let _guard = super::defer(|| println!("Hello!"));
