// To prevent anon_raw_secmem being destroyed while there are still allocated values, the base class for the deleter for those values contains a refcount. e.g: `std::unique_ptr<T, deleter_for<T>>` where: `deleter_for<T> final : public deleter { virtual ~deleter_for(); ... };`, or `std::shared_ptr<T>`, where: `std::shared_ptr<value_with_deleter<T>>` aliases-ctor(`old, old->value_ptr()`) -> `std::shared_ptr<T>`
/// A map of values inside the allocator. This is destroyed in reverse order, meaning all the living values are destroyed *before* `m_manager`'d destruction deallocates them.
// Base class for all deallocations that happen within an `anon_raw_secmem` (managed, static, polymorphic, unmanaged, etc.) (TODO: See below, the base should be moved into the header so typed children can be templated...)
//TODO: auto&& fgroup = std::move(m_manager_ref->get_finalizer_group_for(finalizer_group_id())); // The *whole* finalizer group, *moved* from `m_manager_ref`. (which leaves finalizer_group for `this` empty now.)
//TODO: `bzero_explicit()` the memory from the allocations, then tell `anon_raw_secmem` to mark is as free.
//TODO: auto& fgroup = m_manager_ref->get_finalizer_group_ref_for(finalizer_group_id()); // The whole finalizer group, *referenced* from `m_manager_ref`. (which leaves finalizer_group for `this` intact, removal of pointers from the group will have to happen below manually.)
//TODO: Do the same as above, but only for pointers registered for finalizing in `ptrs`.
/// Instead of acting on pointers in `this`'s finalizer group, immediately get `anon_raw_secmem` to perform the deallocation and map-removal on these `ptrs`.
// TODO: allow the allocation (the memory corresponding to `p` from `m_manager_ref`) to be mutable (`munlock()` it.)
// TODO: Then, again through `m_manager_ref`, add to sequence `->register_finalizer_grouped(this, p)`.
/// TODO: Unless `add_group` is `false`, in which case, `p` is left to dangle.
//(XXX: NOTE: `m_values` map removal *causes* this to be invoked, i.e: A value removed from the map calls `deleter::operator()(uniq_p)`, which then calls `apply_delete(uniq_p, true)`
// This is the *true manager* of the allocation arena, when it is destroyed, the memory is cleared
// Base class for all deallocations that happen within an `anon_raw_secmem` (managed, static, polymorphic, unmanaged, etc.) (TODO: See below, the base should be moved into the header so typed children can be templated...)
structdeleter{//XXX: TODO: How to define this type in the header file? It should be the virt base of all templated deleters,
//TODO: XXX: Rework this design, the deleter must be typed for the value it is deleting... This virtual base should be in the header, and should just contain the shared_ptr reference to anon_raw_secmem.
// To prevent anon_raw_secmem being destroyed while there are still allocated values, the base class for the deleter for those values contains a refcount. e.g: `std::unique_ptr<T, deleter_for<T>>` where: `deleter_for<T> final : public deleter { virtual ~deleter_for(); ... };`, or `std::shared_ptr<T>`, where: `std::shared_ptr<value_with_deleter<T>>` aliases-ctor(`old, old->value_ptr()`) -> `std::shared_ptr<T>`
//TODO: Clear and `munmap()` the used page(s)
//XXX: Due to how this is managed via `shared_ptr<>`, it is UB for this to be called *before* all actual allocation of the memory are unallocated (via `deleter`, which they must *all* be managed by.