/// Add forwarding borrow + deref (+ optional `into_inner()`) impls for a type.
/// # Usage
/// For a mutable forwarding newtype:
/// ```
/// # use crate::forward_newtype;
/// # use core::borrow::*;
/// /// A mutable buffer newtype over an array.
/// struct Buffer([u8; 16]);
/// forward_newtype!(mut Buffer => [u8], 0); // Generates `Borrow<[u8]>`, `BorrowMut<[u8]>`, `Deref<Target=[u8]>`, and `DerefMut` impls for `Buffer` that return `<&[mut] self.>0` (as specified by `0`.)
/// ```
/// For an immutable forwarding newtype:
/// ```
/// # use crate::forward_newtype;
/// # use core::borrow::*;
/// /// A mutable buffer newtype over an array.
/// struct Data([u8; 16]);
/// forward_newtype!(ref Buffer => [u8], 0); // Generates `Borrow<[u8]>` and `Deref<Target=[u8]>` impls for `Buffer` that return `<& self.>0` (as specified by `0`.) Immutable access only is specified by `ref`.
/// ```
/// ## Consuming into inner
/// To generate an `into_inner(self) -> T` inherent impl for the type, the syntax `forward_newtype!(move [const] Type => Inner, accessor)` can be used.
/// If `const` is passed, then the `into_inner()` function will be a `const fn`, if not, then it won't be.
/// To combine with ref-forwarding accessors, the syntax `forward_newtype!(move [const] {ref/mut} Type => Inner, accessor)` can be used to generate them all; the `Borrow`, `BorrowMut`, `Deref`, `DerefMut` and `pub [const] fn into_inner()`.
/// This is the most likely to be useful.
/// If you need a seperate `into_inner()` impl, you can either not use the `move` declarator, or use the `ref`/`mut` accessor generator in a different statement than the `move` one:
/// ```
/// # use crate::forward_newtype;
/// # use core::borrow::*;
/// /// A mutable buffer newtype over an array.
/// struct Buffer([u8; 16]);
/// forward_newtype!(mut Buffer => [u8], 0); // Generate a mutable & immutable forwarding ref to a slice of bytes.
/// forward_newtype!(move const Buffer => [u8; 16], 0); // Generate a seperately typed `into_inner()` that returns the sized array.