@ -28,9 +28,69 @@ fn binsearch<'a, V: ?Sized, T: PartialEq<V> + 'a>(slice: &'a [T], find: &V) -> O
fn collect_input ( ) -> Box < dyn Iterator < Item = String > + ' static >
trait Input : AsRef < [ u8 ] > + std ::fmt ::Debug { }
impl < T : ? Sized > Input for T
where T : AsRef < [ u8 ] > + std ::fmt ::Debug { }
fn collect_input ( ) -> Box < dyn Iterator < Item = impl Input + ' static > + ' static >
// TODO: Use non-panicking functions for both reading lines and reading args, just skip invalid lines/args
use std ::{
ffi ::{ OsStr , OsString } ,
os ::unix ::ffi ::* ,
} ;
#[ derive(Debug) ]
enum MaybeUTF8
UTF8 ( String ) ,
Raw ( OsString ) ,
impl AsRef < [ u8 ] > for MaybeUTF8
#[ inline ]
fn as_ref ( & self ) -> & [ u8 ]
match self {
Self ::UTF8 ( string ) = > string . as_bytes ( ) ,
Self ::Raw ( raw ) = > raw . as_bytes ( ) ,
impl From < String > for MaybeUTF8
#[ inline(always) ]
fn from ( from : String ) -> Self
Self ::UTF8 ( from )
impl From < OsString > for MaybeUTF8
#[ inline(always) ]
fn from ( from : OsString ) -> Self
Self ::Raw ( from )
#[ allow(dead_code) ]
impl MaybeUTF8
#[ inline(always) ]
pub fn from_raw_bytes ( bytes : & [ u8 ] ) -> Self
Self ::Raw ( OsStr ::from_bytes ( bytes ) . to_os_string ( ) )
#[ inline(always) ]
#[ deprecated(note= " XXX: TODO: Only use this if the read_until() into vec does not add the ' \n ' into the vec as well. Otherwise, *always* use this. " ) ]
pub fn from_raw_vec ( vec : Vec < u8 > ) -> Self
Self ::Raw ( OsString ::from_vec ( vec ) )
if std ::env ::args_os ( ) . len ( ) < = 1 {
use std ::io ::{
@ -38,18 +98,60 @@ fn collect_input() -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item=String> + 'static>
BufRead ,
} ;
// No args, collect stdin lines
if ! cfg! ( feature = "byte-strings" ) {
// Collect utf8 string lines
Box ::new ( io ::stdin ( )
. lock ( )
. lines ( )
. filter_map ( Result ::ok ) )
. filter_map ( Result ::ok )
. map ( MaybeUTF8 ::from ) )
} else {
// Collect arbitrary byte strings
struct OsLineReader < ' a > ( io ::StdinLock < ' a > , Vec < u8 > ) ;
impl < ' a > Iterator for OsLineReader < ' a >
type Item = MaybeUTF8 ;
fn next ( & mut self ) -> Option < Self ::Item >
Some ( match handle_fmt_err_or ( self . 0. read_until ( b'\n' , & mut self . 1 ) , | | 0 ) {
0 = > return None ,
read_sz = > {
let line = MaybeUTF8 ::from_raw_bytes ( & self . 1 [ .. ] ) ; //TODO: XXX: If self.1 here does not have the '\n' added into it by read_until(); use from_raw_vec(self.1.clone()) instead; it'll be more efficient.
self . 1. clear ( ) ;
//TODO: todo!("Do we need read_sz ({read_sz}) at all here? Will the `\n` be inside the read string?");
} ,
} )
Box ::new ( OsLineReader ( io ::stdin ( ) . lock ( ) , // Acquire the lock until the iterator is consumed (like all other paths in this function)
Vec ::with_capacity ( 4096 ) ) ) // Buffer of size 4k
} else {
// Has arguments, return them
if cfg! ( feature = "ignore-invalid-args" ) {
Box ::new ( std ::env ::args_os ( ) . skip ( 1 ) . filter_map ( | os | os . into_string ( ) . ok ( ) ) )
if cfg! ( feature = "byte-strings" ) {
Box ::new ( std ::env ::args_os ( ) . skip ( 1 ) . map ( MaybeUTF8 ::from ) )
} else if cfg! ( feature = "ignore-invalid-args" ) {
Box ::new ( std ::env ::args_os ( ) . skip ( 1 ) . filter_map ( | os | os . into_string ( ) . ok ( ) ) . map ( MaybeUTF8 ::from ) )
} else {
Box ::new ( std ::env ::args_os ( ) . skip ( 1 ) . map ( | os | os . to_string_lossy ( ) . into_owned ( ) ) )
Box ::new ( std ::env ::args_os ( ) . skip ( 1 ) . map ( | os | os . to_string_lossy ( ) . into_owned ( ) . into ( ) ) )
#[ cfg_attr(feature= " ignore-output-errors " , inline) ]
fn handle_fmt_err_or < F , T > ( res : std ::io ::Result < T > , or : F ) -> T
where F : FnOnce ( ) -> T
#[ cfg(not(feature= " ignore-output-errors " )) ]
if let Err ( e ) = res {
eprintln! ( "[!] failed to write line: {e}" ) ;
or ( )
#[ cfg(feature= " ignore-output-errors " ) ]
res . unwrap_or_else ( | _ | or ( ) )
#[ cfg_attr(feature= " ignore-output-errors " , inline(always)) ]
@ -63,7 +165,7 @@ fn handle_fmt_err<T>(res: std::io::Result<T>)
fn main ( ) {
let mut args : Vec < String > = collect_input ( ) . collect ( ) ;
let mut args : Vec < _ > = collect_input ( ) . collect ( ) ;
reverse ( & mut args [ .. ] ) ;
//eprintln!("{:?}", binsearch(&args[..], "1")); // It works!
#[ cfg(feature= " output-lines " ) ]
@ -84,7 +186,7 @@ fn main() {
else {
//writeln!(&mut out, "{}", x)
out . write ( x . as_ bytes ( ) )
out . write ( x . as_ ref ( ) )
. and_then ( | _ | out . write ( b" \n " ) )
. map ( | _ | { } )