@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ use cryptohelpers::{
use chacha20stream::{
Key, IV,
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::{
@ -26,9 +30,15 @@ use std::{
Context, Poll,
/// Size of a single RSA ciphertext.
pub const RSA_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE: usize = 512;
/// Max size to read when exchanging keys
const TRANS_KEY_MAX_SIZE: usize = 4096;
@ -39,11 +49,27 @@ struct ESockInfo {
them: Option<RsaPublicKey>,
struct ESockState {
encr: bool,
encw: bool,
/// Contains a Key and IV that can be serialized and then encrypted
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct ESockSessionKey
key: Key,
iv: IV,
/// A tx+rx socket.
pub struct ESock<W, R> {
info: RwLock<ESockInfo>,
info: ESockInfo,
state: ESockState,
rx: AsyncSource<R>,
@ -64,19 +90,84 @@ impl<W: AsyncWrite, R: AsyncRead> ESock<W, R>
/// Create a future that exchanges keys
pub fn exchange(&mut self) -> Exchange<'_, W, R>
pub fn exchange_unsafe(&mut self) -> Exchange<'_, W, R>
let us = self.info.us.get_public_parts();
todo!("Currently unimplemented")
sock: self,
write_buf: Default::default(),
read_buf: Default::default(),
_pin: PhantomPinned,
read_state: Default::default(),
write_state: Default::default(),
them: None,
us_written: Default::default(),
us_buf: (),
write_sz_num: (),
write_sz_buf: (),
read_sz_buf: (),
///Get a mutable ref to unencrypted read+write
fn unencrypted(&mut self) -> (&mut W, &mut R)
(self.tx.inner_mut(), self.rx.inner_mut())
/// Get a mutable ref to encrypted write+read
fn encrypted(&mut self) -> (&mut AsyncSink<W>, &mut AsyncSource<R>)
(&mut self.tx, &mut self.rx)
/// Have the RSA keys been exchanged?
pub fn has_exchanged(&self) -> bool
Exchange{sock: self}
/// Is the Write + Read operation encrypted? Tuple is `(Tx, Rx)`.
pub fn is_encrypted(&self) -> (bool, bool)
(self.state.encw, self.state.encr)
impl<W: AsyncWrite+ Unpin, R: AsyncRead + Unpin> ESock<W, R>
/// Enable write encryption
pub async fn set_encrypted_write(&mut self, set: bool) -> eyre::Result<()>
if set {
let (key, iv) = ((),());
self.state.encw = true;
} else {
self.state.encw = false;
/// Get dynamic ref to unencrypted write+read
fn unencrypted_dyn(&mut self) -> (&mut (dyn AsyncWrite + Unpin + '_), &mut (dyn AsyncRead + Unpin + '_))
(self.tx.inner_mut(), self.rx.inner_mut())
/// Get dynamic ref to encrypted write+read
fn encrypted_dyn(&mut self) -> (&mut (dyn AsyncWrite + Unpin + '_), &mut (dyn AsyncRead + Unpin + '_))
(&mut self.tx, &mut self.rx)
/// Exchange keys.
pub async fn exchange_unpin(&mut self) -> eyre::Result<()>
pub async fn exchange(&mut self) -> eyre::Result<()>
use tokio::prelude::*;
let our_key = self.info.read().await.us.get_public_parts();
let our_key = self.info.us.get_public_parts();
let (tx, rx) = self.inner_mut();
let read_fut = {
@ -112,30 +203,172 @@ impl<W: AsyncWrite+ Unpin, R: AsyncRead + Unpin> ESock<W, R>
let (send, recv) = tokio::join! [write_fut, read_fut];
let recv = recv?;
self.info.write().await.them = Some(recv);
self.info.them = Some(recv);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, PartialOrd, Ord)]
enum ExchangeState
/// We are currently reading/writing the buffer's size
/// We are currently reading/writing the buffer itself
impl Default for ExchangeState
fn default() -> Self
pub struct Exchange<'a, W, R>
sock: &'a mut ESock<W, R>,
us: RsaPublicKey,
us_written: usize,
us_buf: Vec<u8>,
/// The return value
them: Option<RsaPublicKey>,
write_sz_num: usize,
write_sz_buf: [u8; std::mem::size_of::<u64>()],
read_sz_buf: [u8; std::mem::size_of::<u64>()],
read_buf: Vec<u8>,
write_state: ExchangeState,
read_state: ExchangeState,
#[pin] _pin: PhantomPinned,
impl<'a, W: AsyncWrite, R: AsyncRead> Future for Exchange<'a, W, R>
type Output = eyre::Result<()>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
type Output = eyre::Result<()>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
use futures::ready;
let this = self.project();
let (tx, rx) = {
let sock = this.sock;
//XXX: Idk if this is safe?
unsafe {
(Pin::new_unchecked(&mut sock.tx), Pin::new_unchecked(&mut sock.rx))
if this.us_buf.is_empty() {
*this.us_buf = this.us.to_bytes();
let poll_write = loop {
break match this.write_state {
ExchangeState::BufferSize => {
if *this.write_sz_num == 0 {
*this.write_sz_buf = u64::try_from(this.us_buf.len())?.to_be_bytes();
// Write this to tx.
match tx.poll_write(cx, &this.write_sz_buf[(*this.write_sz_num)..]) {
x @ Poll::Ready(Ok(n)) => {
if *this.write_sz_num == this.write_sz_buf.len() {
// We've written all the size bytes, continue to writing the buffer bytes.
*this.write_state = ExchangeState::Buffer;
x => x,
ExchangeState::Buffer => {
match tx.poll_write(cx, &this.us_buf[(*this.us_written)..]) {
x @ Poll::Ready(Ok(n)) => {
if *this.us_written == this.us.len() {
x=> x,
let poll_read = match this.read_state {
ExchangeState::BufferSize => {
ExchangeState::Buffer => {
todo!("This is going to be dificult to implement... We don't have access to write_all and read_exact")
/// Write half for `ESock`.
pub struct ESockWriteHalf<W>(Arc<ESockInfo>, #[pin] AsyncSink<W>);
pub struct ESockWriteHalf<W>(Arc<(ESockInfo, RwLock<ESockState>)>, #[pin] AsyncSink<W>);
/// Read half for `ESock`.
pub struct ESockReadHalf<R>(Arc<ESockInfo>, #[pin] AsyncSource<R>);
pub struct ESockReadHalf<R>(Arc<(ESockInfo, RwLock<ESockState>)>, #[pin] AsyncSource<R>);
mod tests
fn rsa_ciphertext_len() -> crate::eyre::Result<()>
let data = {
use chacha20stream::cha::{KEY_SIZE, IV_SIZE};
let (key, iv) = chacha20stream::cha::keygen();
let (sz, d) = crate::bin::collect_slices_exact::<&[u8], _, {KEY_SIZE + IV_SIZE}>([key.as_ref(), iv.as_ref()]);
assert_eq!(sz, d.len());
println!("KEY+IV: {} bytes", data.len());
let key = cryptohelpers::rsa::RsaPublicKey::generate()?;
let rsa = cryptohelpers::rsa::encrypt_slice_to_vec(data, &key)?;
println!("Rsa ciphertext size: {}", rsa.len());
assert_eq!(rsa.len(), super::RSA_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE, "Incorrect RSA ciphertext length constant for cc20 KEY+IV encoding.");
fn rsa_serial_ciphertext_len() -> crate::eyre::Result<()>
let data = serde_cbor::to_vec(&{
let (key, iv) = chacha20stream::cha::keygen();
super::ESockSessionKey {
key, iv,
}).expect("Failed to CBOR encode Key+IV");
println!("(cbor) KEY+IV: {} bytes", data.len());
let key = cryptohelpers::rsa::RsaPublicKey::generate()?;
let rsa = cryptohelpers::rsa::encrypt_slice_to_vec(data, &key)?;
println!("Rsa ciphertext size: {}", rsa.len());
assert_eq!(rsa.len(), super::RSA_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE, "Incorrect RSA ciphertext length constant for cc20 KEY+IV CBOR encoding.");