You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

166 lines
3.7 KiB

#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <rng/impl.hpp>
#include <error.h>
#include <panic.h>
//#define IMPORT_ONE(NS, NAME) using NAME = NS :: NAME
//IMPORT_ONE(std, ssize_t);
template<typename To, typename T, typename Unit=unsigned char>
static inline To* offset_ptr(T* ptr, ssize_t by) noexcept
return reinterpret_cast<To*>(reinterpret_cast<Unit*>(ptr)+by);
template<typename To, typename Unit>
offset_ptr(auto* p, std::ssize_t by) -> offset_ptr<To, decltype(p), Unit>;
template<typename To>
offset_ptr(auto* p, std::ssize_t by) -> offset_ptr<To, decltype(p)>;
inline operator RNG*(rng_t ptr) noexcept
if(__builtin_expect(!ptr, false)) return nullptr;
#ifdef DEBUG
RNG* op =
reinterpret_cast<RNG*>(offset_ptr<RNG>(ptr, -static_cast<ssize_t>(offsetof(RNG, _held))));
#ifdef DEBUG
if(__builtin_expect(!op, false)) return nullptr;
if(__builtin_expect(op->_held, false)) panic("Invalid rng_t -> RNG conversion");
return ptr;
RNG::operator rng_t() const noexcept
return reinterpret_cast<rng_t>(static_cast<RNG*>(this)->_held);
inline unsigned char RNG::byte()
return (unsigned char)next_int(255);
void RNG::bytes(unsigned char* ptr, std::size_t len)
for(std::size_t i=0;i<len;i++)
ptr[i] = byte();
bool RNG::chance()
return chance(.5);
bool RNG::chance(double d)
if (d<=0) return false;
return sample() <= d;
std::int32_t RNG::next_int(std::int32_t min, std::int32_t max)
return (std::int32_t)floor(sample() * (double)(max-min))+min;
std::int32_t RNG::next_int()
return (chance() ? 1 : -1) * (std::int32_t)floor(sample() * (double)INT32_MAX);
std::int64_t RNG::next_long(std::int64_t min, std::int64_t max)
return (std::int64_t)floor(sample() * (double)(max-min))+min;
std::int64_t RNG::next_long()
return (chance() ? 1l : -1l) * (std::int64_t)floor(sample() * (double)INT64_MAX);
#include <rng.h>
namespace { // C interface
using namespace std;
[[gnu::always_inline, gnu::gnu_inline]]
static inline RNG* extract_ptr(rng_t ptr)
{ return reinterpret_cast<RNG*> (ptr); }
static inline RNG& extract_ref(rng_t rng)
return *extract_ptr(rng);
template<std::derived_from<RNG> T>
static inline rng_t wrap_ptr(T* ptr) noexcept
if(__builtin_expect(!ptr, false)) return nullptr;
return reinterpret_cast<rng_t>(static_cast<RNG*>(ptr));
template<typename T>
static inline T* extract_downcast_ptr(rng_t rng)
return dynamic_cast<T*>(extract_ptr(rng));
extern "C"
rng_t rng_new(rng_init_opt opt)
case RNG_KIND_FRNG: return wrap_ptr( new rng::frng(opt.init.frng.state) );
case RNG_KIND_DRNG: return wrap_ptr( new rng::drng(opt.init.drng.state) );
case RNG_KIND_XORNG: return wrap_ptr( new rng::xoroshiro128plus(opt.init.xorng.state) );
//case RNG_KIND_LORENX: return static_cast<rng_t>( new rng::lorenzAttractor(opt.init.lorenz); );
default: panic("Unknown RNG init opt: %d", opt.kind);
return nullptr;
void rng_free(rng_t rng)
RNG* ptr = extract_ptr(rng);
delete ptr;
void rng_test_spec(rng_t rng)
auto& ref = extract_ref(rng);
cout << "rng_test_spec (" << typeid(ref).name() << ")..." << std::flush;
if constexpr(!is_noexcept) {
try {
catch(const std::exception& except) {
cout << "\r\r\r\tERROR: " << (except.what() ?: typeid(except).name()) << endl;
} catch(...) {
cout << "\r\r\r\tERROR" << endl;
} else rng::test_algo(std::move(ref));
cout << "\r\r\r\tOK" << endl;