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60 lines
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#ifndef _RNG_H
#define _RNG_H
#include "shuffle3.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
enum rng_kind {
typedef struct rng_init
enum rng_kind kind;
union {
struct {
double state[2];
} frng;
struct {
int32_t state;
} drng;
struct {
uint64_t state[2];
} xorng;
} init;
} rng_init_opt;
typedef struct rng_impl* _UNIQUE rng_t;
rng_t rng_new(rng_init_opt kind);
#define RNG_INIT(_kind,...) ((rng_init_opt){.kind=(_kind), .init.__VA_ARGS__ })
void rng_free(rng_t ptr);
// Tests
extern void rng_test();
extern void rng_test_spec(rng_t rng);
#ifdef __cplusplus
// RNG interfaces
#include <rng/frng.hpp>
#include <rng/drng.hpp>
#include <rng/xoroshiro128plus.hpp>
namespace rng {
void test_algo(RNG&& rng);
template<class R,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<RNG, R>::value>::value __fuck>
inline void test_algo(R&& rng) { test_algo(static_cast<RNG&&>(rng)); }
#endif /* _RNG_H */