You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

118 lines
3.4 KiB

#pragma once
#include <rng.h>
#include <reinterpret.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <fsvec.hpp>
#include <perc.h>
#include <shuffle3.h>
namespace rng {
namespace details [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] {
static inline auto make_prog(FILE* to = stdout) noexcept
if(isatty(fileno(to))) return pr::make_dyn(pr::Progress{to});
else return pr::make_dyn(pr::disable);
template<bool Create, bool UseNanos=false>
static inline decltype(auto) clock(auto&... last) noexcept {
using namespace std::chrono;
if constexpr(Create) return steady_clock::now();
else {
constexpr auto take_first = [] (auto& one, auto&...) { return std::forward<decltype(one)>(one); };
time_point end = steady_clock::now();
auto& last = take_first(std::forward<decltype(last)>(last)...); //TODO: Expand this....
auto duration = end - last;
last = end;
if constexpr(UseNanos)
return duration_cast<nanoseconds>(duration).count();
else return duration_cast<milliseconds>(duration).count();
template<typename T, typename R>
inline void shuffle(R& rng, span<T> span)
if(!span.size()) return;
//pr::Progress prog{stdout};
#define MS_OKAY 100
auto prog = details::make_prog();
auto timer = clock<true>();
std::cout << " -> shuffling " << span.size() << " objects..." << std::flush;
for(std::size_t i=span.size()-1;i>0;i--)
auto j = rng.next_long(i);
std::swap(span[i], span[j]);
if(clock<false>(timer) >= MS_OKAY) {
prog->aux(fmt::format("{} <-> {}, {} / {}", i, j, span.size() - i, span.size()));
prog->spin(double(span.size() - i) / double(span.size()));
std::cout << " OK" << std::endl;
namespace {
extern "C" int _can_allocate(std::size_t bytes);
template<typename T>
inline bool can_allocate(std::size_t len)
return !!_can_allocate(len*sizeof(T));
template<typename T, typename R>
inline void unshuffle(R& rng, span<T> span)
if(!span.size()) return;
#define DYN 2
#define MAP 3
#if defined(_FS_SPILL_BUFFER) && (_FS_SPILL_BUFFER == DYN)
dynamic_spill_vector<std::size_t> rng_values =
//can_allocate<std::size_t>(span.size()) //Is there any way we can not waste this malloc() when it's valid?
span.size() <= FSV_DEFAULT_SPILL_AT
? dynamic_spill_vector<std::size_t> (span.size(), FSV_DEFAULT_SPILL_AT)
: dynamic_spill_vector<std::size_t> (FSV_DEFAULT_SPILL_AT);
#elif defined(_FS_SPILL_BUFFER) && (_FS_SPILL_BUFFER == MAP)
mapped_spill_vector<std::size_t> rng_values =
span.size() <= FSV_DEFAULT_SPILL_AT
? mapped_spill_vector<std::size_t> (span.size(), FSV_DEFAULT_SPILL_AT)
: mapped_spill_vector<std::size_t> (FSV_DEFAULT_SPILL_AT, mapped_vector<std::size_t>::from_temp(span.size() - FSV_DEFAULT_SPILL_AT));
#elif defined(_FS_SPILL_BUFFER)
fixed_spill_vector<std::size_t> rng_values;
std::vector<std::size_t> rng_values;
#undef MAP
#undef DYN
std::cout << " -> unshuffling " << span.size() << " objects..." << std::flush;
for(std::size_t i=span.size()-1;i>0;i--)
for(std::size_t i=1;i<span.size();i++) {
std::swap(span[i], span[rng_values.back()]);
std::cout << " OK" << std::endl;