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#include <rng_impl.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
_Static_assert(sizeof(double)==8, "Double must be 64-bits.");
double vec[2];
static void _seed(const void* from)
memcpy(vec, from, sizeof(double)*2);
double fract(double x)
return x - floor(x);
double dot(double *v, double *u, int n)
register double res = 0;
for(register int i=0;i<n;i++)
res += v[i]*u[i];
return res;
static double sample_double(double vec[2])
static double vec2[2] = { 12.9898, 78.223 };
double res = fract(sin(dot(vec, vec2, 2)) * 43758.5453);
return res;
static void next(double r)
float v1 = vec[0];
float v2 = vec[1];
double nvec[2];
nvec[0] = r;
nvec[1] = v2;
vec[0] = sample_double(nvec);
nvec[1] = v1;
vec[1] = sample_double(nvec);
static double _sample()
double res = sample_double(vec);
return res;
struct rng_algo rng;
rng.seed = &_seed;
rng.sample = &_sample;
return rng_new_impl(&rng);