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#include <filesystem>
#include <fsvec.hpp>
#include <uuid.hpp>
#include <fsvec.h>
#define FB file_back_buffer
using std::size_t;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
/// A temporary file name
struct temp_file
inline temp_file(const temp_file& c) = delete;
inline temp_file(temp_file&& m) : name(std::move( {}
inline temp_file() : name(uuid::generate().to_string()){}
inline temp_file(const char* name) : name(name) {}
inline temp_file(std::string&& name) : name(name) {}
inline ~temp_file() = default;
inline const fs::path& full_path() const
_full_path = fs::canonical( fs::temp_directory_path() / name );
return _full_path;
inline const std::string& base_name() const { return name; }
inline const fs::path* operator->() const { return &full_path(); }
std::string name;
mutable fs::path _full_path;
struct FB::impl
size_t cap;
temp_file file;
fvec_t backing;
inline ~impl()
FB::FB(size_t cap) : inner(std::make_unique<FB::impl>())
// Set cap
inner->cap = cap;
// Create then open `inner->file`
if(!fvec_new(&inner->backing, inner->file->c_str())) panic("Failed to open backing for temp file buffer");
void FB::push_buf(byte* buf, size_t len)
fvec_push_whole_buffer(&inner->backing, (void*)buf, len);
bool FB::back(byte* buf, size_t len) const
return !!fvec_get_whole_buffer(&inner->backing, (void*)buf, len);
bool FB::pop_n(size_t len)
return !!fvec_pop_end(&inner->backing, len);