You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

115 lines
3.0 KiB

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <perc.h>
namespace {
size_t twidth(int fd = STDIN_FILENO, size_t or = Progress::DEFAULT_WIDTH) noexcept
struct winsize w;
if(ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &w) == -1) return or;
return size_t(w.ws_col);
size_t def_bar_width(size_t tw) noexcept
return size_t(std::round(DEFAULT_TERM_FRACT * fract_t(tw)));
namespace pr {
struct Progress::_impl {
Progress::fract_t fract; // 0..=1
FILE* output;
size_t width;
std::string aux;
size_t& Progress::width() noexcept { return inner_->width; }
size_t Progress::width() const noexcept { return inner_->width; }
fract_t& Progress::fraction() noexcept { return inner_->fract; }
fract_t Progress::fraction() const noexcept { return inner_->fract; }
fract_t Progress::percentage() const noexcept { return inner_->fract * 100.0l; }
void Progress::percentage(fract_t fract) noexcept { inner_->fract = fract / 100.0l; }
std::string& Progress::tag() noexcept { return inner_->aux; }
const std::string& Progress::tag() const noexcept { return inner_->aux; }
FILE* Progress::output() const noexcept { return inner_->output; }
FILE*& Progress::output() noexcept { return inner_->output; }
void Progress::render(bool flush) const noexcept
constinit thread_local static std::vector<char> buffer{};
const auto& inner = *inner_;
FILE* out = inner.output;
auto wf = fract_t(inner.width) * inner.fract;
auto perc = percentage();
size_t cf = size_t(std::floor(wf));
auto print = []<typename F> (F f, auto&&... args) {
return fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(buffer), std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);
// Render bar
for(size_t i=0;i<inner.width;i++)
if(i<=cf) buffer.push_back( '#' );
else buffer.push_back( ' ' );
buffer.push_back( ']' );
print(": {:00.2}%", perc);
print(" ({})", std::string_view(inner.aux));
// Print bar
fprintf(out, "\r%.*s", int(buffer.size() & INT_MAX), static_cast<const char*>(;
// Flush output stream
if(flush) fflush(out);
void Progress::spin(increment_t by, bool r, bool f) noexcept
auto& inner = *inner_;
if(inner.fract > 1.0l)
if(r) this->render(f);
Progress::Progress(FILE* p) noexcept
: inner_(std::make_unique<_impl>(0, p, def_bar_width(twidth(fileno(p))) )) {}
Progress::Progress(const Progress& p) noexcept
: inner_(p.inner_ ? std::make_unique<_impl>(*p.inner_) : nullptr) {}
Progress::Progress(Progress&& p) noexcept
: inner_(std::move(p.inner_)) {}
Progress& Progress::operator=(Progress&& p) noexcept
if(this != &p) inner_ = std::move(p.inner_);
return *this;
Progress& Progress::operator=(Progress const& p) noexcept
if(this != &p) inner_ = p.inner_;
return *this;
Progress::~Progress() {
fputc('\n', inner_->output);