#define SM_VAR_EX(name, init) _sm_var(state, (name), (init)) // Same as `SM_VAR`, except the slot is explicitly named with a runtime integer value. Must be lower than `_SM_STACK_SIZE`. (TODO: Allow wrapping around this max value with a hashtable that adds new pages with the `next' pointer in the `_sm_user_page' struct.)
#define SM_VAR(init) _sm_var<__LINE__, decltype(init)>(state, (init)) // Return a pointer to a unique variable on the current state machine's stack. Initialising it with `init' if it doesn't already have a set value.
#define SM_SLOT(T) _sm_var<__LINE__, T>(state, {}) /// Allocate an uninitialised slot for type `T` on the current state machine's stack frame, returning a pointer to the value. If the value has already been allocated, return a pointer to that value saved in the current frame.
/// ---
#define SM_BEGIN switch(state->current->pc) { case 0:
#define SM_BEGIN switch(state->current->pc) { case 0: